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Abonement Story Box + 5 CD audio - <p>A read-aloud magazine to share with your child.<br>A book length story : a wonderful story which allows you and your child to spend special moments together, finding the pleasure in reading . The story is written by the most famous authors and illustrators. Animal world : beautiful illustrations of animals such as Seal, Orang-utan, Puma, Sea Horse. There are 6 new pages with clear explanations and fascinating facts to encourage your child to explore the animal world. Introduction to science with Bella and Buster : factual answers to children’s questions with explanatory pictures and texts. Fun and games : exciting games and riddles to develop numbers and letter skills. The Lovett Family : a picture-story about the adventures of this great family which reflects everyday life. Children can relate to these topics and look forward to reading the adventures every month. Sam Sam : a fun cartoon strip of this cheeky new character Sam Sam : the smallest of big heroes ! A poem by Judith Nicholls</p>

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Abonnement Story Box + 5 CD audio

A read-aloud magazine to share with your child.
A book length story : a wonderful story which allows you and your child to spend special moments together, finding the pleasure in reading . The story is written by the most famous authors and illustrators. Animal world : beautiful illustrations of animals such as Seal, Orang-utan, Puma, Sea Horse. There are 6 new pages with clear explanations and fascinating facts to encourage your child to explore the animal world. Introduction to science with Bella and Buster : factual answers to children’s questions with explanatory pictures and texts. Fun and games : exciting games and riddles to develop numbers and letter skills. The Lovett Family : a picture-story about the adventures of this great family which reflects everyday life. Children can relate to these topics and look forward to reading the adventures every month. Sam Sam : a fun cartoon strip of this cheeky new character Sam Sam : the smallest of big heroes ! A poem by Judith Nicholls

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