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15 septembre 2022
Drive pour tableur, texte et fichiers
Bonjour, je cherche un drive libre, si possible gratuit, pour y stocker des fichiers de travail à modifier, type tableur et texte. Les fichiers seront partagés avec cinq personnes. La taille de stockage du drive serait de 1Go. Que me conseillez-vous ? un grand merci pour votre partage d’infos. (...)
Max size/duration for mirrored video
Hello, 2 quick questions: Is it possible to mirror a channel ? Is it possible to set a duration of mirrored video/channel ? Example: automatic deletion of mirrored video (on mirror instance) after a specific time (for instance after 2 days) or when a specified size occupied by mirrored videos (...)
No Playback .... circle keeps turning
Hi there, first of all « Hi » (my first post here ) I installed peertube (docker-compose version) within a company network and uploaded a video for testing . It was published, but when i click on it the circle keeps turning and playback won´t start probably due to this: error[15.9.2022, (...)
How to call hook inside a custom hook ?
Hello, I have created a custom route inside a plugin that gets the post request from the frontend. Inside the custom route I have called an ‹ action:api.video-channel.created › hook which returns channel id after a video channel is created and inside that I have added some query to save certain (...)
Ask : I can’t play video which redundancies from another instance
i try to redudancy video from another instance with manual methode the log is show proccess has been completed the video can listed on video redundancy menu, the page show 404 not found « 404.That’s an error. We couldn’t find any resource tied to the URL » i already try different version (4.2.2 , (...)