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21:24FramablogExpose metrics from PeerTube DockerHello all, I have deployed PeerTube on Docker and everything works perfectly but I can’t expose the PeerTube metrics from the container. I have enabled the metrics using the production.yaml and when I exec into the peertube container and do « curl localhost:9091/metrics » I get the metrics. But I (...)
13:24FramablogFramapiaf : réponses perduesBonjour, En faisant un blog-post et en créant des liens vers d’ anciens pouets (avant Février), je me suis aperçu que ceux-ci n’ont plus de réponses, ou très peu, et provenant que de gens de Framapiaf. Les réponses ont elles été défédérés accidentellement ? Example: David Revoy : « 👀 » - Framapiaf (...)
10:46FramablogUse HLS stream with another video.js player ?Hi, Since a couple of years, we have used a custom version of the video.js player (with a specific skin, and other features). Is there a way (in some cases, maybe not always) to keep using our player to stream the HLS files instead of the Peertube player? Thanks. Eric. 1 message - 1 (...)
10:46FramablogPlay peertube video stream in another video.js playerHi, Since a couple of years, we have used a custom version of the video.js player (with a specific skin, and other features). Is there a way (in some cases, maybe not always) to keep using our player to stream the HLS files instead of the Peertube player? Nous utilisons depuis longtemps notre (...)
09:50FramablogSans titreVoici la version 5.1 de #PeerTube ! Au programme : modération des demandes d'inscription, bouton "retour au live", des améliorations pour l'identification externe, l'accessibilité, les performances... Infos ➡️ Roadmap et soutien ➡️ (...)