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27 juillet 2023
FramaVox / Loomio -> GROS souci après màj 2.17.3 BIG issue - Help...
Hello la communauté, de retour sur Framavox je me suis rendu compte de plusieurs soucis perte etc. après la dernière màj (2.17.3) J’ai essayé avec les deux comptes (droits d’admin sur les 2 groupes) mais aucun des deux compte ne fonctionne plus sur notre groupe principal et ‹ ouvert › Le plus urgent (...)
Commentaires sur Khrys’presso du lundi 10 juillet 2023 par Levi...
I work an online job from home and earn 185 dollars per hour. I never imagined I could do it, but my best friend, who makes $15,000 a month at the job, encouraged me to find out more about it. This has limitless possibilities. . . Details Are Here—————->>> (...)
Commentaires sur Khrys’presso du lundi 17 juillet 2023 par Levi...
I work an online job from home and earn 185 dollars per hour. I never imagined I could do it, but my best friend, who makes $15,000 a month at the job, encouraged me to find out more about it. This has limitless possibilities. . . Details Are Here—————->>> (...)
Commentaires sur Khrys’presso du lundi 24 juillet 2023 par Levi...
I work an online job from home and earn 185 dollars per hour. I never imagined I could do it, but my best friend, who makes $15,000 a month at the job, encouraged me to find out more about it. This has limitless possibilities. . . Details Are Here—————->>> (...)
Commentaires sur Le X de Musk n’est pas une inconnue… par Levi...
I work an online job from home and earn 185 dollars per hour. I never imagined I could do it, but my best friend, who makes $15,000 a month at the job, encouraged me to find out more about it. This has limitless possibilities. . . Details Are Here—————->>> (...)
How to set up Emailer for email verification
I want to add « create an account » with email verification function to my site. But when I enabled email verification, it shows error message. ### Error Emailer is disabled but you require signup email verification. Where is emailer? I cannot find anything related with « emailer » in the (...)
Add custom fields to video form
(sujet supprimé par son auteur) 1 message - 1 participant(e) Lire le sujet en entier
[SOLVED] Apache 2.4+ configuration for PeerTube here !
gist.github.com https://gist.github.com/ROBERT-MCDOWELL/0ed82ec304fa76de9ff52cc4a5a49e4c peertube.conf SSLSessionCache "shmcb:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_gcache_data(512000)" SSLSessionCacheTimeout 87400 SSLStaplingCache shmcb:logs/stapling-cache(150000) # Minimum Apache version required: 2.4.32 (...)
Errors and warn
Thanks to gwm_admin, I am now able to check standard logs: Do I need to pay attention to the following errors: 1.Client log: Error connecting to wss://o8o.icu:443/tracker/socket warn[2023-07-26, 6:39:18 p.m.] Client log: Error connecting to wss://o8o.icu:443/tracker/socket "tags": [ "client" (...)
Howto : Separate transcoding profiles by resolution and FPS
Attached to this post are the files needed to run multiple profiles per peertube instance. For example, you can have 480p h264 with libfdk_aac along with 1080p av1 with opus. I take no credit for this work. Supported profiles (you can add more): 480p30 480p60 720p30 720p60 1080p30 1080p60 (...)